The National Constitution Convention Audio & Video
The following are audio & video clips and PDF format transcriptions from the National Constitutional
Convention, which was held on October 19, 2007.
Conference Audio
All audio files are in .mp3 format.
- Liberty
School, 6:12 (8 MB)
- Sabato
intro and Ferraro, 34:10 (48 MB)
- First of
Panel I, 22:53 (32 MB)
- Last of
Panel I, 25:24 (38 MB)
- Schieffer intros Panel II, 4:21 (6 MB)
- First of
Panel II, 26:47 (38 MB)
- Middle
of Panel II, 24:42 (35 MB)
- Last of
Panel II, 17:28 (24 MB)
- Sabato
intros Panel III, 15:25 (27 MB)
- First
of Panel III, 21:49 (48 MB)
- Middle
of Panel III, 30:34 (43 MB)
- Last of
Panel III, 12:12 (17 MB)
- Heubeck
intros YLI, 2:46 (4 MB)
- Sabato
intro and Dole, 34:46 (49 MB)
- Last of
Dole, 7:35 (11 MB)
Conference Video
All video files are in .mov format (QuickTime).
Liberty School, 6:11 (17 MB)
Sabato intro and Ferraro, 34:10 (33 MB)
First of Panel I, 22:52 (51 MB)
Last of Panel I, 25:23 (56 MB)
Schieffer intros Panel II, 4:21 (9 MB)
First of Panel II, 26:46 (59 MB)
Middle of Panel II, 28:02 (62 MB)
Last of Panel II, 17:28 (38 MB)
Sabato intros Panel III15:24 (34 MB)
First of Panel III, 21:49 (48 MB)
Middle of Panel III, 30:33 (68 MB)
Last of Panel III, 12:11 (27 MB)
Heubeck intros YLI, 2:45 (6 MB)
Sabato intro and Dole, 34:45 (155 MB)
Last of Dole, 7:34 (17 MB)
Read transcripts from the the National Constitutional Convention
All transcripts are Adobe PDF files.