Larry Sabato
A More Perfect Constitution


Audio & Video clips from the National Constitutional Convention

View Sabato’s opening remarks at the National Constitutional Convention

All video files are in .mov format (QuickTime). They will automatically download to your computer when clicked.

Author Larry J. Sabato talks about his newly released book, A More Perfect Constitution

Earlier this week, we caught up with Professor Larry J. Sabato on the Grounds of the University of Virginia to talk about some of the proposed reforms in his new book A More Perfect Constitution. Our questions are below, click on the links to hear his answers.

Question: Globally, what lesson do you try to impart in A More Perfect Constitution? view video>

Question: Do you think the Founders would want us to alter the Constitution? Aren't we messing with a sacred state document? view video>

Question: Why do you suggest a Constitutional Convention to institute change? view video>

Question: How do you propose we amend the presidential nominating process? view video part 1> view video part 2>

Question: In A More Perfect Constitution you suggest term limits for the judiciary. Can you tell us more about this suggestion? view video>

Question: What is wrong with the current state of the Electoral College? view video>

Question: Can you tell us more about your perceived imbalance that has come to exist in war making powers between the president and the Congress? view video>

Question: What happens after a Constitutional Convention? view video>

Question: How do I offer my own proposals for Constitutional reform? view video>


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Larry J. Sabato
Director of the UVA Center for Politics and
author of
A More Perfect Constitution
Why The Constitution Must Be Revised:
Ideas To Inspire A New Generation

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